One thing that has stood out through my experiences, is that the majority of the individuals that I met, and considered to be very enlightened, have had a great sense of humor. I came to them in joy, with lightheartedness, full of respect, love and a desire to learn; they reciprocated with scientific, spiritual and philosophical information, and shared their laughter and love.
In my counseling with people over the years, I have noted that the people who had the most difficult physical and emotional difficulties were deficient in one or more of the LEFL categories. When I would ask someone when was the last time they had a deep belly laugh, and they would answer that they couldn’t remember, I often found this type of person had the more serious type of health problem.
We all have trials that we have experienced in our past. But we also have the ability to create what our future will look like. When you carry things from the past to the present, then that past/present will become the underpinning in your future. The choice is always ours as to what we want to relate to. Emotions remain with us when we allow them to permeate our thoughts.
In my office, surrounded by books containing the wisdom of the ages, one figure stands tall with many of the great teachers and philosophers of all time. This teacher is pictured in my post. I gaze at him, and without him uttering a word, things seem to be better. I have to smile when I look at him. Try it! Look at that smile and body made up of Jelly Bellies.
Many years ago, while I was working out of my office in Europe, my associates -- Prof. Dr. Karl Walter and Heidi -- and I traveled to the office of a well-known medical doctor. Karl introduced me to Dr. Hermann whom he had known for almost thirty years. After formal introductions, I turned to the doctor and said please call me Steve. The doctor smiled, extended his hand to me and introduced himself by his first name. Later that evening, Karl asked me if I could introduce him to his doctor friend using their first names. For thirty years they had acknowledged each other by their titles. ‘Professor Dr. Walter can you please show me your tongue? Yes, Dr. of medicine Hermann, I will do this.’ Every sentence between them would contain these formal titles. In fact, Karl really did not know the doctor's first name. The next morning, after being reintroduced, they shared at an emotional level that had not been reached previously between them. The room was filled with joy, happiness and a lot of laughter.
Is it possible that a great health remedy might include your living, laughing, loving and enjoying life? This is not a Pollyanna approach but a real tool to break a stubborn detrimental vibrational pattern. Taking just one moment to gaze at this picture in my post might spread joy, like a wild fire, throughout your whole being.
I believe that one of the great lessons we are to learn in life is how we manage our creative energy. We might not paint a masterpiece or write an opera during our lifetime, but we can create our own unique smile that touches and influences all the people that we meet. Your unique smile is a form of creation that only you can do.
Too simple? Sometimes the simple things are most profound. Look to Mickey, he can be very therapeutic.
To Inspire and Empower.
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