Several centuries ago the Laplanders were noted for their magical powers, their repute extending throughout Europe. It was reported that Ivan the Terrible of Russia sent to Lapland for magicians to explain the cause of a comet. Tiren stated, “I agree that a good deal which is capable of natural explanation has been surrounded by superstition, but it is their sincere belief and they do not mean to deceive."
“One evening news reached me that a man had had his arm torn off in a railway accident. Doctors had been sent for but would not be able to arrive in time to save the victim who would have died in a few minutes from loss of blood. I rushed to the spot where the man lay, arriving just in time to see him turn up his eyes, and his lids drop, and saw that the arm had been torn off from the shoulder, the blood pumping out from an exposed artery. I placed my hand in an appropriate spot on the spine for support and uttered the Lap-reading formula, and to the astonishment of all present, including myself, the hemorrhage stopped and the patient opened his eyes and gasped, ‘the pain has gone, I feel better.’ When the doctors arrived they were astounded to find the man still alive, the severed arteries and veins being exposed but no blood escaping from them.”
“On another occasion a woman was injured by an elk horn which penetrated the upper part of the forearm descending to the hand. She was losing a great deal of blood. I Lap-read exactly as I had been taught and the hemorrhage and pain ceased immediately.”
I am sharing this story due to an additional statement that Mr. Tiren made. “I have seen remarkable healings produced when words other than the prescribed formula, for the particular difficulty, were used. The person and the patient believing they were using the correct Lap-reading formula. The fact is that, on the whole, the correct formula is usually more successful than any other combination of words, even when the patient is ignorant of the proper formula.” “Everything, it is maintained, has a relation to sound which varies with its state and age, and whoever can produce these sounds is enabled to influence and eventually control the object. Thus grass, trees, rivers, mountains, lakes, wind, fire, animals and human beings each have appropriate sounds related to them in this way.”
Why have people in that Lapland area had the same results in healing, even when they did not use the specific formulas or have the right tone of voice?
The Lap-readers have a sound to be immune to fire. Charles Kellogg, from my earlier post the 40 mile blow, put out fire with another sound. His sounds can be heard on old recordings. I have witnessed people in Bali use yet another sound which made them immune to the effects of fire. Hazrat Inayat Khan, in his book 'Mysticism of Sound and Music' speaks of the Rafai school of India. The main object of this school is to increase the power of spirit over matter. They do such things as eating fire and jumping into the fire in order to get control over matter. There are many other cultures that also speak of the use of sound and mantras. All of these sounds are not at the same frequency or quality of tone. But in each of these instances, they expect the result to happen. Is it the sound or the belief?
Perhaps we’ve lost our understanding and awareness of something within us, due to our relentless pursuit to analyze, dissect and scientifically explain everything around us. We possess something within us that allows us to create what we imagine and expect. We still have it. To inspire and empower.