If you place a person in a room, close all the windows and doors, the individual will generally kill himself by poisoning the atmosphere around him. The individual in the room will suffocate as a result of the poison that he breathes into the air around him. If there is no way the air can be purified he will suffocate in the end from the lack of oxygen.
Now most people would initially blame the atmosphere itself by saying the air is bad, not realizing until they take some moments to remember some of the science they learned in school that they are poisoning their own atmosphere. So in order to have fresh live-giving air, there must be adequate ventilation.
Human feelings when they are kept in the same confined place, where freedom of ventilation is not possible will poison one to death; the individual who blocks the circulation of any part of nature, draws a circle of enclosure around their mind. Following the old axiom; as above, so below, as below so above, one can understand that whenever a line of limitation is created to set aside or limit any area in which we live, it will ultimately poison and start a process of decay within an individual.
It is absolutely necessary that the atmosphere around an individual be kept in circulation and the individual live in the largest possible atmosphere. What provides the largest possible atmosphere? NATURE!
“To protect themselves against inclement weather, people build habitations for themselves. In the same manner people;
Build their way of life
Build their policy of thinking
Build their religions and Creeds
Build their attitudes and prejudices.”
The activities I listed above are all natural and seem to be a part of human nature. We are protecting ourselves against something outside of ourselves, against some collective atmosphere that we find disagreeable.
In the process of building these structures, if you leave doors and windows closed, one will finally stifle the self with their own poison and die while blaming the atmosphere. The average person grows older closing windows and doors of their own mind.
Nations, races and communities can suffocate themselves by closed doors. That which is closed leads to death. We can find closed doors with;
A closed mind
A closed heart,
A nation closing itself off through building borders and
Political systems that become too isolated.
All of the above deprive a body and psyche of natural circulation.
One of the old philosophers discovered that the greatest magical agent for health was a mysterious and intangible thing called the Human Will. He found that those individuals that had the Will to do, the Will to Be, the Will to expand their borders; the people who had intense purpose or intense purposefulness in life, could successfully face almost any difficulty that was presented in life and that they were almost always the heathiest of individuals.
“An individual could believe in anything and die of anything, but the moment one believed anything, enough to do anything about it, the mysterious transition between the static state, (closed doors), and the dynamic state began.
These two states, static with limited circulation and dynamic with its more encompassing action was the keys to a persons’ health and well-being. The key is an individual’s own action and this means a person’s contribution to their own way of life. “Where an individual’s life actions gave strength, the individual became strong. When an individual has only bitterness, contention and weakness in the faith that life is good, that people are good and they believe that the world is ‘out to get them,’ there is no escape from the final judgement of nature.”
Perhaps you might think that the following idea from ancient times is just this, ancient and not valid today. Some old physicians and philosophers believed that, “health is a body cleansed of falseness in some way. Sickness is a corruption of some kind.” All sickness is in some way due to a poison.
An old adage stated, “One needs more than common intelligence to know who he is, only the individual who studies himself properly and knows from when he comes and who he is, will give profound attention to the eternal.” “Everything that a person does and has to do, he should do by the light of nature, for the light of nature is nothing other than reason itself.”
You should not judge people according to their physical stature, but honor them all equally. “What can be learned by individuals is not properly called learning, because everything is prefigured even in the child; it must only be awakened and summoned forth by the individual. If you awaken the stonecutter in a person, they will be a stonecutter, if you awaken the ability to make shoes, one will become a shoemaker; and if you summon forth the scholar in a person, they will become a scholar. This is because all potentialities are inherent within human beings. What you awaken comes forth, the rest remains un-awakened, absorbed in sleep. We are born to be awake, not to be asleep.”
With love, in love and through love to you.