He had become a bit restless in his life and started to dwell upon the thought of what the purpose of life was? The more he thought about it the more confused he became. He had a wonderful partner, his children seemed well suited to make their own journey in life and he enjoyed his job. Yet, something deep inside seemed unfulfilled.
One morning upon awakening he felt the strongest urge that he must know what the meaning of life is. He had gazed at the stars the previous evening and the thought crossed his mind, how far does it all go? Why was he created and did he have some greater purpose to his life?
The man looked at the great number of books in the store and felt slightly overwhelmed. The woman in the store recognized the feeling that the man was going through and offered the following suggestion… Everyone knows that the place to receive the greatest enlightenment is in the East. The yogis in the Himalayas hold the secret of all things.
He was driven to find the answer to the meaning of life. He hadn’t prepared very well for his journey, he was only thinking of reaching the people who could quench his thirst and calm this inner feeling that had continued to grow in intensity. Up he climbed higher and higher looking only to find the people with the answer who lived high on the mountains. As he proceeded higher he came into deep snow and finally began to realize that he was not dressed properly for this journey. After all, he was from Your City, USA, and he had never been to this altitude or experienced such extreme temperatures.
Finally, his body became overwhelmed and he couldn’t climb any further. It was too much for him to handle. The man just sunk into the snow and became unconscious. He was awakened and his eyes glanced upon several people huddled around him. There was a fire, he felt warm and he slowly regained his strength. He wondered if he was still alive or had passed over to some other dimension.
He was fortunate that one of the men spoke some English and he asked the man if they were yogis and if they had the answer to the secret of life. One man answered that he was indeed a yogi but he did not have the secret of the man’s life. The yogi asked, where he came from and why he climbing these mountains? The man answered, I’m from Your City, USA. I was told that if I climbed the mountains here in the East, I would find the people who could answer all of my questions.
The man then asked the yogi, if you don’t have my answers, where can I find the answer to the purpose of my life? The yogi then looked softly but deeply within the questioner and said, the location where you would find the answer is Your City, USA. The man was completely dumbfounded and said, I just came from there and no one had the answer for me. The yogi said, it was there in your city, now it is here, but the answers are not with us. The answer is always within you.
To inspire and empower.