A philosopher of the past at an interesting approach to living. He stated, “It is not necessary that people know all things in order to be wise, it is rather necessary that one learns that which is not true. Humankind’s purpose is not to be wise, but decrease in ignorance.”
This is a very interesting concept and following this precept another adage could be true. Theoretically that which is totally wise, totally obedient and totally good, is immortal because it breaks no laws and death results from the breaking of the contact between archetype (perfection in creation) and form.
The growth and existence of people depends upon the creation of the bridges between their own attainments while on earth and the universal sources of survival, or the archetypes.
Anything that acts in absolute conformity with total archetype, cannot die. We are always dying because of a disobedience. The disobedience is either conscious or unconscious. The middle distance for which most would strive is when an individual becomes completely receptive to natural procedures. Becoming in tune one lives longer and healthier.
The majority of people who are ill are sick because of their ignorance. It is a kind of ignorance that is negative and leads to false practices. “False knowing leads to irrational conduct. So sickness is due to an irrational misunderstanding of natural laws.” Contact with archetype is not broken immediately but can happen due to our environment, traditions and many other factors.
“Instead of attaining maximum efficiency, one attains a minimum of years, in correspondence to the factors of the aspects within their body that have been compounded through one’s choices throughout their life.”
Every negative attitude, in some way blocks energy motion and in some way frustrates the distribution of a kind of energy or power. Power cannot function through things that are dissimilar and as we break away from the archetype of human perfection we limit ourselves from our true source.
“Wherever a universe has achieved full expression, it means that the life, the Divine life is given perfect and complete release. Total release of the Human Spirit is the normal function, adequately enlightened human being, who has come as far as possible along the path of self-knowing and self-discipline.”
In the old Neoplatonic concept, “The illumination or Enlightened One, is the one in whom this release has been achieved.”
Natural things comes nearest to preserving value and making persons integrated and aligned to the highest cosmic patterns.
Interpreting ancient stories from the viewpoint of human and Divine mind, we find that that in the Idyllic Paradise, people live and reason without shame and fear. They live surrounded by things of Nature and are given power by the Creator. In this state one lives in peace and tranquility. Through disobedience, which comes from the state of individual opinion, this leads to a falling away from the source of power.
What is meant through this ancient story is an understanding that there was a falling from Law and Nature into the use of human solutions for Divine problems. Once an individual uses only their human viewpoint, rather than dwelling from their highest spiritual awareness within, to ‘see’ and ‘act’, they have banished their own being from their own Idyllic Paradise. We always have free will and choice from which state of awareness we will dwell.
With love, in love and through love to you.