I witnessed a Man ministering to the individuals of His time. It was an unstructured activity. He ministered to the low born, He ministered to the person in the street. He ministered constantly and continuously in all of His daily life.
He made His involvement with all the children of God and all humanity a constant and continuous part of His activity. He pointed the way for everyone to be involved without the benefit or the need of a structured orthodoxy. He did not set up a system. He established a ministry of love that was without a routine formula, without the need of even qualification, and it all came from the goodness of His heart.
I witnessed as He ministered to individuals in the very little ways, very human ways. Not only was it important, the things that He did for them, it was equally important for them the manner in which He looked at them. He projected His aura of love toward them, His spiritual eminence. THIS WAS THE DEMONSTRATION OF UNIVERSAL LOVE.
It was the touching upon this universal theme to where He could, with a smile or a touch of His hand, communicate as much to an individual in need, as He could with a long sermon. There was a naturalness of it, the extreme capability of it, opened a door for many who were present to where they could feel, not think, but feel the love.
He stated, you don’t need a book, you don’t need a degree, you do not need a house, you do not need a church, all you need is the desire to share with God’s children. For all people, no matter what their persuasion, there is the capability of co-joining your activities with the activities of Creation.
For those who align themselves with the true essence of love, there is the capability of having love flow from your fingertips, your eyes and your voice toward all individuals in your involvement in your corner of life.
Often overlooked by those who think they know from hearing someone speak from the pulpit was the extreme humanness of Him. He mingled with individuals close at hand and he did cry for them when they cried. When someone was low He was with them and gently led them into better pathways.
A simple mission, His transactions based on universal love that flowed constantly from Him to them. It didn’t matter where He was. Coming into our time it would not matter if He made change for them at the bank or was riding with them in a car to the park.
You can apply the concept of universal love in the most unlikely situations to where it is of benefit to a lot of people who find themselves in extraordinary situations. It does not matter if they placed themselves within that situation or not.
A desire to be of a loving nature and demonstrate universal love, emotionally reaching a higher sense within yourself toward those individuals you are involved with, whether you are physically with them, or through other media, will make you an individual who becomes a channel for the spirit of God and the spirit of Humankind.
The choice is up to you. The choice is always up to you. The infinite patience of the Creator, the infinite love that surrounds you from the Creativeness of the Universe, will provide you the opportunity in future lives to learn who you truly are and will provide opportunities, such as we have had now, to show that you understand what is the most important aspects of being placed in this sphere.
This sharing of universal love has been made by many throughout time and throughout all areas of the earth and non-Christendom.
I am sharing my personal experience so that it might be of value to someone who reads this post with the understanding that we all have the capability of reaching higher states of awareness and can fulfill the message, ‘there will come those who do greater things than I.’
The analogy might be, “What is more important, your place in the universe or smelly gym socks?”
With love, in love and through love to you.