Resolute Imagination is the beginning of all magical operations said the ancient Hermeticists. In those ancient days magic meant an understanding of nature and the operations of the cosmos and not how later religious individuals would define it.
The alchemist Paracelsus defined the imagination as the ‘inner firmament,’ the microcosmic parallel of the macrocosm. Ancient teachers believed that an individual’s higher Spiritual Self had direct contact with the consciousness through the imagination.
Paracelsus said, “The first step in the operation of understanding is to beget the spirit from the inner firmament by means of the imagination.”
In the ancient times imagination was considered the greatest gift that humans possess. Today we define imagination as just someone’s fancy. In ancient times the wild thoughts that someone might have would be considered and defined as fantasy.
The old philosophers termed someone’s fantasy as the ‘madman’s cornerstone.’ These would include obsessive thoughts, ruminating and brooding over ills and problems. “Imagination takes us out of ourselves by taking us into ourselves."
With an open imagination say the ancient teachers, “it is possible to see into the essence of things…we may look into Nature in the same way that the sun shines through a glass.”
Cornelius Agrippa said, “Imagination of its own accord change the physical body with a sensible transmutation, by changing the accidents of the body, and by moving the spirit upward or downward, inward or outward.”
In the ancient books of the Corpus Hermeticum it says, “Within God everything lies in the imagination.” Within our own imagination, “command your soul (the connection between body and spirit) to go anywhere and it will be there quicker than your command. Bid it to go to the ocean and again it is there at once…”
“Order it to fly up to heaven and it will need to wings. If you do not make yourself equal to the qualities and attributes of God you cannot understand Him. Like is understood by like. Grow to immeasurable size. Be free from the body, transcend all time.”
“Become eternity and thus will you understand God…Consider yourself immortal and able to understand everything: all arts, sciences, and the nature of every creature…Sense as one within yourself the entire creation…Conceive yourself to be in all places at the same time…Conceive of all things at once: times, places, actions, qualities and quantities: then you can understand God.”
Let’s stretch our concepts and belief systems. Let us remember that we have come here to demonstrate how we manage creative energies. Let us make no boundaries and know that all things are possible when we acknowledge that same thought.
As the Corpus Hermeticum stated, “I now see not with the eyes but by the operation of spiritual energy in the powers. I am in heaven in earth, in water, in air; I am in living creatures and plants; I am present everywhere.” “…let us tumble with the rock which falls from the mountain and rejoice with the rosebud about to open.”
To inspire and empower. With love, in love and through love.