Many of my posts deal with positive thinking, belief, faith and creating your reality. How does one attain the true strength of conviction to accomplish these things?
Now we know that in the Bible it says, “Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, "Why could we not drive it out?" And He said to them, "Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.…”
Many people have their own understanding of these words, I do not question or am I trying to change anyone else’s belief; I would like to share with those interested my personal interpretation of this concept. It is not merely our belief in external things or people, but it is the development of our inner belief and understanding that accomplishes the work. It is not our belief that someone else will or can do it, but that we can do it, that allows an individual to consistently accomplish that which one desires.
The Word is not a magical formula but any thought reinforced with power and authority that it will happen because it must happen. How is this accomplished? Through the integrity of action within an individual.
Now Jesus was an example in his religion of the embodiment of Love. Other Revelators have been the embodiment of Love within their religion. What allowed these individuals to accomplish and demonstrate their ability was the integrity of the life they lived. They walked their talk, lived their talked and acted totally within their Wisdom. I refer to it as Integrity. Integrity being the consistency of one’s actions with their belief.
Some people use a person’s name as being their belief, philosophy or religious system. The more profound manner is to walk in the same footsteps as that individual you admire or attest to. In the example above regarding the Disciples, I choose to understand, they were speaking words but their words did not have the power or authority behind them because they did not have the deeper understanding of what they were saying and doing.
It is not about the words one uses or quotes, it is about the actions one takes under ALL circumstances and experiences whether we like the people or situation. Having the opportunity for expressing our true nature might be why we are in this schoolroom. It is not what you profess, it is how you act that bespeaks your true philosophy.
On one of my previous posts someone made the remark that they believe the further you proceed along the spiritual path the harder it is. This is that person’s belief and it is not a truism. When you walk, live and talk with integrity in the philosophy and spiritual path you espouse, the easier it is because it is not work, it is NATURAL. It is whom you are.
The historical people that are a part of our reality are meant to be templates, examples, guides, teachers, friends and our spiritual family members. Rushing off professing love and support for these individuals of the past is not the same as acting and demonstrating in the same manner as they did. Believing they are living energies would mean that they are aware of one’s actions and whether someone is in integrity with their philosophy.
I am grateful for the loving brothers and sisters that have come before us to be examples of beauty, love, truth, honesty, integrity, compassion and so many other aspects. The best way to honor someone is to live and act, within your life, displaying the same attributes as your ‘hero.’
The manner in which you accomplish the mighty works and even those aspects of negating illness and disease is through the Integrity of your lifestyle. When you become one with that which you desire, through your thoughts and actions and not just your words, then your faith in the power of your spirit, in concert with the Divine Spirit of the Creator, will manifest what you desire.
Through repetition many things become easier. By living the life you become that life. When doing what is the highest and best in each situation is as natural as each breath, you have become the Christ or Buddha Self, not because you have spoken some words, but because you have become Love personified within your individual self.
We are capable of more because we are more than we imagine at this time. It starts with the smallest of experiences, which are not obstacles, but creative opportunities to learn and grow in our awareness and integrity. To each their own and may your personal belief, religion or philosophy bring you comfort, beauty and love.
To inspire and empower. With love, in love and through love.