Are These The Perfect Healing Environments? What would you add to these places?
The Habichtswald-Klinik, is located in Kassel-Wilhelmshohe, Germany. I visited this clinic in 1989 and was given a personal tour by the owner. It is a unique blend of traditional and non-traditional medicine. The founders believe that the hospital environment is an integral part of the healing process. The founders believe that the physical mental and spiritual aspects of the patient must be addressed, not only by the medical professionals that are involved with the patient, but also by the actual building in which therapy takes place. The following is a list of interesting features which the clinic feels would have an influence in the healing process. It is aligned with all of the power points within the area. What would you add to the following as you are creating your perfect healing environment?
- All the rooms are made from natural woods, no metals are found.
- There is no synthetic fillings in mattresses.
- All wiring is insulated to guard against detrimental electromagnetic fields.
- All room carpeting is made without synthetic materials.
- Each room has live plants and foliage.
- Heating is done by the utilization of underground natural thermal pools. Every room is checked for geopathic stress zones.
- Special colors, believed to help in the healing process are used in the rooms and hallways of the clinic.
- There are three special meditations rooms, each with its own mandala, as well as a special emotional room (a sound proof area where you can yell, scream and beat the walls without anyone hearing).
- Specifically created waterfalls produce soothing musical sounds and beautiful pictures adorn the hallways. At night, stars are illuminated on the ceilings and passage ways.
- Therapies include: Ozone, Kneipp Water Therapy, electromagnetic field therapy, music therapy and more.
- Musical concerts are held in a main hall and the music is piped into every room for those who cannot attend.
- Color therapy is available in every room.
- The medical professionals are trained in Western allopathic medicine and complementary medicine giving them a balanced approach to the healing art. They handle almost all degenerative diseases including cancer, heart and circulation problems, diabetes, multiple sclerosis and psychosomatic problems.
Connected to the clinic is one of the premiere spas in Europe. Patients, who are safe to be with other people, are able to go through an underground passage way to get to the spa. The spa is made of all natural materials imported from around the world.
Healing The Divine Art:
In the Persian Healing Gardens, long before written records, we find specially designed running water landing upon specifically designed metals to create the optimum healing vibrations. Walls of the temples consisted of particular plants and vines of specific colors to assist in the healing process. Special dream incubation areas allowed patients to receive guidance for their specific problems from their own dreams. Special pathways allowed patients to experience various fragrances as they sat among plants, flowers and herbs assisting them on their healing journey.
Other important healing environments included the healing temples of Asclepius where we find records left of profound healing experiences.