A doggy convention was held and thousands of dogs were in attendance. Many of the dogs traveled to the convention from very distant areas. The main hero of our dog tale is named Sparky. Sparky had not attended the convention in previous years but made several new doggy friends at this latest event.
As the convention was ending, Sparky met with a new doggy friend he just met named Red. Sparky and Red lived in distant cities but Sparky promised Red that he would make the 3 day journey from his home to Red’s home the next month.
Finally the day arrived for Sparky to begin his three day journey to visit Red. Sparky started off the first day and as it began to become dark, Sparky stopped in a new town to get something to eat and to rest. Immediately several dogs in the vicinity began barking loudly and making threatening moves toward Sparky.
Sparky knew it would not be possible to rest or get something to eat so he continued on his journey throughout the night. At first light, Sparky again found himself in a new town and looked for something to eat and a comfortable place to rest. In this new area several dogs confronted Sparky and barked their displeasure at his presence. Sparky decided to continue on toward Red’s home.
By the end of the second day, Sparky had completed what should have been the three day journey to Red’s home in just under two days. Red was surprised that Sparky had managed to complete the journey so quickly.
When asked by Red how he was able to do it, Sparky replied, “I had a lot of help along the way.” --
A pilgrim was leaving Constantinople to go on a journey. As he was leaving town he crossed paths with the Plague who was going to enter the city. The pilgrim asked, why are you here? The Plague responded that he was going into town to take 5,000 lives. The Pilgrim was very happy that he was leaving the town. Several months later the Pilgrim was returning to his home and he once again crossed paths with the Plague who was leaving the town. He asked the Plague, ‘I understand that 50,000 people have died. Didn’t you say you had only come for 5,000 people?’ The Plague responded, ‘I only took 5,000 souls, Fear took the rest.’ --
Around 525 BC, Pythagoras stated, the body of God is light and the substance of God is truth. Physics continually demonstrates that our conception of matter is not what we imagine. Light is very important to the existence of our bodies, not only for the warmth of the sun or heat, but for the operations within our body. Also, it is interesting to note that pictures and portraits of sacred people depict them as having light surrounding them. A great light extending from within to the without. Is Light the common aspect we have with our Creator?
Some ancient philosophers believed that there are three suns. Our visible sun that reflects off of objects and allows us to see their outward nature. The visible sun is only a shadow or reflection of an invisible light. A second sun reveals and nourishes the soul and illuminates the astral and psychic planes. This second sun provides light that supports functions and powers of people including intuition. Intuition is the capacity to become attuned to the inside of light.
Therefore we know the appearance of things by visible light, but we instantly know of their nature and substance by their invisible or soul light. By observation we behold things lighted, by intuition we behold things self-luminous. People can see the life within nature because of the light that shines within it, we see the outer form of nature because of the light that shines upon it.
The third sun nourishes and sustains the spirit. Everything that exists radiates light. All things derive their life from light and in light is life itself on every plane. This third sun has to do with the Divine nature of things. “The universe in its totality is suspended in an infinite extent of spiritual life-light. All things exist within this light. It permeates space mingling with spiritual light of other suns and cosmic centers in all existence. The Sea of Eternal Light is the Luminous Nature of God.”
Aspects of our Being exist in a sea of physical, psychic and of spiritual light. These seas of light constantly surround and interpenetrate us at all times. We can never be further from or nearer to any essential principle necessary for our survival in any plane. An analogy would be similar to fish in water.
Recognize the light in all things and you will know and become one with all things. The ALL is in all, and all is in the ALL.
With love, in love and through love.