The inner secret of every mystery cult and the inner meaning of the words of every great teacher upon this plane has been to become aware of our highest potential, to understand that we can remember more of who we are.
There is another part of yourself that dwells just beyond your ordinary consciousness, some call it a supra-consciousness, an Overself or an Oversoul.
When we come into a life we are hypnotized from infancy by our environment and culture, into certain beliefs, attitudes, systems and practices that have been fostered upon us by individuals who have not had contact with this deeper aspect within themselves.
The reading of scripture or sacred texts, while enlightening and potentially empowering, is not a replacement for the actual practice of becoming in touch with this higher aspect within yourselves.
A famous neurophysiologist, Warren McCulloch was known to say, “Don’t bite my finger. Look where I am pointing.”
While some people are stating that a wave of spiritual awareness has come to the earth plane in these last several years, I would ask, ‘what does the term spiritual awareness really mean?’
I would suggest that we are hypnotized by routines that we want to believe make us spiritual. Attending places of worship for one day a week and then acting in manners that are contrary to what we read, is this acting in a spiritual manner? In today’s world that appears to be little life in the documents that we label as our spiritual literature, the true life is only in our actions in resonance with the scriptural words.
As you become hypnotized by the political climate and religious figures who act contrary to the highest morality and teachings in sacred scripture, and you accept their actions because of who you think they are, you move further away from your own inner truth. When you begin to make excuses for those who you follow in the religious, political and social areas, you move further away from your own center of knowing.
Every great teacher, philosopher and enlightened guide has pointed to the pathway of your going inside and having a direct contact with your Creator God. Within you, you will find the answers that you seek and not from those who talk a good story but don’t walk their talk.
For me, spiritual awareness is the recognition of a spiritual realm that is the underpinning of this physical reality that we are experiencing. Those enlightened individuals, who periodically come to the earth plane, and live lives as examples of the highest aspects of love, truth, beauty, compassion, brotherhood and selflessness show us what it means to have spiritual awareness.
Wearing a robe, holding a sacred book and preaching does not make one a spiritual or even an enlightened being. How you talk, how you walk, how you act and the light that shines from your being is more of an indication of how close one is to that highest aspect that resides within themselves. That light within you has a closer connection to your source than your physical consciousness has at this moment.
Some of you have commented how much you like the positive and loving aspects of my posts. I have not discussed politics or discussed current events but continue to point out higher potentials and what more is possible. It is in this vein that I am writing these words to you.
You are getting too involved with the drama of the show. Instead of observing and recognizing there is a higher purpose for what is taking place at this time in the world, you have fallen into someone else’s script and become their actor.
We have come into the schoolroom to demonstrate how we use our creative energies. We have been given the opportunity to demonstrate, love, compassion, truth, beauty, selflessness and to understand that everything, and that means everything on this planet, is interrelated. Exemplary individuals, throughout history, have demonstrated to us the highest spiritual precepts we are capable of attaining.
You have the choice to do whatever you please; to think and act in every situation as you feel is necessary and true to your character. This is free choice. While the religious texts have not lost their examples and true meaning, we are beginning to lose sight of the spiritual essence behind the words. Our modern interpreters do not really understand what they are talking about. They are bending and twisting and interpreting based on their own limited understanding and beliefs.
The surest way to understanding is to go within the closet of your own being; make contact with your own innermost spiritual essence and break this hypnotic trance that seems to be so prevalent. Might is not right, power is not truth and the one with the most money is not necessarily the one with the highest spiritual insight.
My love for you and purpose for writing this post is that you don’t listen to others because of who they say they are or what position they hold, but that you go within and recognize your own highest truth. Does it make sense that your sacred book might say to love all people and treat all as you would like to be treated and yet an interpreter of that book casts away everyone that doesn’t believe as he or she does? Trust yourself and know that the highest truth is within you and act within that truth.
Take some time for introspection. Take some time to sit quietly and ask yourself are you acting at the highest and best that you know is possible? Are you occupied so much with what is taking place in the world, that you can’t sit still for twenty minutes per day in quietude, without your mind reliving or planning discussions with friends and loved ones over why your politics are right and why your particular religion is the only outlet for God’s plan on earth?
Again, “Don’t bite my finger, but look where I am pointing.” I love all of the modern conveniences and tools that we have at this time, but they are just that…tools. Instead of having more time for the appreciation of the beauty, love and our kinship with all life, which is part of the Creation, we are more stressed, unhappy and locked into a life of having to pay for our tools. How many people do you know, that you can say they are truly happy, content and in joy?
Don’t be hypnotized by other people’s political or religious beliefs; don’t succumb to the belief that only science can provide the truth; that modern conveniences mean you have attained your highest purpose on earth; and don’t give up your moral compass because someone you admire is off course and you need to justify that they are right. Go within yourself and humbly wait in silence and you will feel a warmth and eventually a spiritual presence within a light, that will become your true guide, friend, teacher and Father/Mother.
At these times of great outer conflict, confusion and misunderstanding, there resides within yourself a place of peace, harmony, love, beauty and greater guidance.
With love, in love and through love.