Will you allow yourself to realize you are a part of the mass consciousness but not take on the energies? Who in the news that you are watching and listening to is speaking of beauty, love, sharing, compassion? By following the politics of any kind, you are sinking down into the egos and karma of other people whose motives are not what they seem. It is power, money and ego.
Each of you has created your experience whether you are conscious of it or not. As you learn and grow you are automatically affecting and influencing everyone around you in ways you are not able to perceive. As you reach a higher level, as you begin to vibrate at a different frequency, whether it be higher or lower, positive, or less positive, you are impacting everything around you, even the weather.
Many in the metaphysical community believe there is going to be an instantaneous uplifting of the awareness of the planet, and people are going to magically be more aware spiritually, attaining a higher dimension. That would be the equivalent of someone going to a junior high and saying, you are now college students. If this magic was to just take place, why come from the spiritual realm into this physical dimension to become aware when you were aware in spirit.
This is a schoolroom and it is about lessons, it is about how you manage your creative energies. Are you using them in positive and uplifting ways or have you fallen into the delusion of this plane? Be love and turn your go gaze inward and don’t follow the egos and games of others. The uplifting of the total planetary consciousness will come as each of us raises their own awareness.
With love, in love and through love.