Dr. Kern looked through the literature for some clues to an alternative cause of heart attacks. He came up with three main points; (1) the coronary obstruction theory cannot adequately explain observed facts, (2) the major causal factor underlying heart attack is a primary chemical destructive process caused by unchecked metabolic accumulation of acid in the left ventricular tissue, and (3) that regular use of oral g-strophanthin (a cardiac glycoside derived from the West African plant strophantus gratus) reduces the incidence of heart attacks and completely prevents infarction deaths.
In 1980 the medical journal Circulation stated after reviewing several studies regarding heart attacks: “these data supports the concept that an occlusive (blockage) coronary thrombus has no primary role in the pathogenesis of a heart attack.” “Although there is a blockage present, it is not the cause of the heart attack.” A study by Rentrop et al in the April 1, 1988, issue of The American Journal of Cardiology has produced results completely at odds with the coronary artery blockage theory but consistent with Kern’s hypothesis. “..In advanced state of the narrowing of the arteries, the supply of blood to the heart muscles is fully assured via collaterals that enlarge naturally in response to the blockage. The pictures you see are the collaterals in and around the heart. When a freeway is congested, you might take a side street. These are the side streets. These pictures are from Professor Giorgio Baroldi, in his published studies, at the United States Armed Forces Institute of Pathology.
In the constantly beating left ventricle, the part of the heart responsible for pumping blood to most of the body, the right mostly supply the lungs, the lowering of the pH sets off a destructive chemical process, literally a suicide reaction of the cell. This starts as a single point in the muscle, then many points and finally a small area of necrotic tissue. This leads to damaged tissue and a heart attack. How to restore the pH balance was the next question for Kern? He found that use of Strophanthin, which was given as a pill, was able to completely restore the pH in ten minutes.
In a period of 1947-1968, involving 15,000 patients on Strophanthin, many of which had a previous heart attack, there were 20 non-fatal heart attacks and no deaths. Government statistics for 15,000 patients for this same period without Strophanthin showed 400 non-fatal heart attacks and 120 fatal attacks. One person tried to commit suicide taking 100 Strophanthin tablets. He ended up with diarrhea.
Numerous studies have been done. A rigorous double blind study of angina showed after 14 days, 81% of the patients with Strophanthin had a reduction in attacks, while 72% of the placebo group registered an increase in attacks. At a German coal mine during the period 1972-1974, miners suffered episodes of acute chest pain 229 times. Medical help was a two-hour ride away and 11 miners died. From 1975-1980 with Strophanthin available, there were 280 episodes and no deaths.
In 1990, 5,000 M.D.s in Germany were using Strophanthin. In a survey of these, 3,654 gave exclusively positive testimony with no reservations. Not one gave a negative response. 90% of the doctor’s scheduled bypass surgeries were eventually not needed. In 1990 the cost of Strophanthin was $30 per month. I spent time with Dr. Kern before his death in 1995. As a consultant to Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company (MBL), I introduced them to Strophanthin. MBL went to the University of Colorado Center for Health Ethics and Policy to have them conduct a thorough investigation of the literature pertaining to Strophanthin. After review, the confidential internal report shared that, “the relative lack of evidence in support of the orthodox theory of myocardial infarction is somewhat surprising.” “If the documentation continues to be as strong regarding Strophanthin, this could change the current medical approach to the problem of myocardial infarction.” It is not readily available in the US.