On my last post I used some phrases that I believe perhaps caused some confusion. Using the term “our journey” implied I was taking you on my journey, the implication being that my way is the only way or the best way.
Also, within my dream, I shared in the previous post that some other individuals courses and beliefs might be clouding a vision of the truth. Someone might have assumed that I was ‘putting down’ various systems, other books, teachers and/or someone’s guru. The point of the dream for me was that an individual may not need activities that are too cerebral, or too dogmatic. Of course, we will gravitate towards activities and actions that we resonate with at that moment. My lectures and presentations have always tended to be of a more lighthearted nature where I share my belief that you don’t need pain to have gain.
So here are some points for additional clarity regarding what I am sharing.
The journey is not about traveling to a location to meet your Higher Self, but about opening your vision and seeing that you are your Higher Self. Remember the Three Stooges line were Curly said, “I can’t see, I can’t see! Moe says, why not? Curly says, because I have my eyes closed.’
The phrase, ‘A beautiful heart and open mind and a humble spirit,’ is a state of awareness, one of many avenues, to open one’s outer/inner vision. It has been helpful for me and I know it can be of assistance to someone else. My sharing this concept is for those individuals who desire an approach that does not have extreme regime, endless courses where wisdom is doled out as you proceed through levels and those who are not interested in joining groups.
I believe in peace, love, beauty, harmony, fun, joy, laughter and rock and roll oldies from the 60s. I don’t believe in only one group having the truth, or that the truth from God only comes through some lineages that you MUST honor in order to be given the “Word” from our Creator. That time wherein there are only chosen Ones who know how to reach higher dimensions…is now passed on this earth.
There is a mighty wave that is beginning to sweep over this earth plane. I didn’t bring it, I didn’t cause it and I can’t manipulate it. I am merely sharing with you that it would be beneficial to get your surf board ready to ride this wave, if you choose. You have other choices where you can float up and down in an inner tube if you like or just bob up and down with your body. All have direct and immediate access to the greater awareness.
Perhaps a better phrase I might share is ‘a heart full of beauty, an open mind and a humble spirit.’ A heart full of beauty sees the highest and best in all things. An individual with a heart full of beauty recognizes the energy and love behind form and realizes that the outer container, is just that, a container. What might have been considered to be ugly or not beautiful to us in the past, because of perhaps our limited viewpoint, now touches us because we have apperceived the beautiful light of love shining behind the form. We begin to realize that everything is created out of love and is love.
Paracelsus stated in the early 1500s, that whatever you would like to learn about a plant, flower, herb, rock or person; sit quietly before that person or object and just listen. Ask within yourself that you be open to receive the messages that are being shared with you. Although this also ties into being humble, the point is that you don’t have any preconceived notions regarding what something is, what it or they will share and don’t have a preconceived notion whether it is right or wrong. There is nothing in this universe that will not reveal itself if you remain open and allow it to speak, transmit or share with you.
A humble spirit in my parlance means that one does not believe that they know everything and control everything. Aspects of this belong with an open mind. I shared the phrase of Pythagoras in a previous post which demonstrates that at any moment a person you are with might be your father, brother or son or mother, sister or daughter. Everyone and everything can be our teacher. When your hands are clasped tightly, you cannot hold anything new in your palm.
Now back to my dream regarding the people in the audience, with smoke coming from them, potentially blinding the truth. If you read deeply into my post it was meant to explain that each of these persons, including myself, have had a journey. Their journey is predicated upon past lives, past experiences and present needs. Those needs might be making money to continue their activities. Just like models that are thin and beautiful and you see them on television or the stage and some people might want to be like them; the life of some of these people is not what you might imagine. Does that make them wrong or bad? Of course not. It is their journey.
So what is the intent of my sharing and what did I mean as ‘the journey.’ I mean to imply that when we open our eyes we will realize we are already at our journey’s end. When we open our eyes, without colored lenses, slit glasses, sun glasses or whatnot, that we will already have arrived at our destination; we are our destination.
A heart full of beauty, an open mind and a humble spirit is a manner of seeing and being and not just a mantra. In former times the belief was the journey could only be made along with a perceived few, the gurus, the lineage, the special systems, the secret teachings and the anointed Ones. If anyone wishes to continue investigating, learning and experiencing in this manner because it is attractive and fulfilling, that is your choice. You also don’t have to choose only one course, person or direction.
A great philosopher from the past stated that virtually all of the avenues of learning will eventually take you to your destination. All have the kernels of truth. Some will take you a bit longer on the journey while others may help you achieve the destination in a shorter time. However, when individuals jump from one source to another, take weekly weekend seminars, read numerous divergent systems this takes them longer to achieve their goal and can cause confusion to some people.
Of course for many the truth is in the journey and not just the destination. Isn’t the world beautiful where we have so many choices where we can align with groups that are extremely dogmatic, stringent and force us into actions and or move to ones that are completely the opposite? Wherever we may be in our philosophy we can find a place to which we resonate.
But we have a new paradigm dawning on this planet. The veils of forgetfulness becoming thinner and dimensions shrinking which will allow everyone, who is open, to perceive deeper truths within and for themselves. Many in the religious and esoteric field will not be happy because they will not be the only ones who are ‘delivering the goods’ from the spiritual realms.
With love, in love and through love to you.