Several ancient teachers in various cultures held the concept that when people are thoughtful of the world, then the world would protect them. These wise individuals believed that when people labor for the common good of others, then the common good would labor for them.
An important concept held by some wise individuals from the past, was that a partnership must be created between a person’s physical body and the natural world that surrounds it, as well as between the physical body and the invisible energy fields that sustain the body’s existence. When a person is in balance and harmony with the great energy fields, there is a greater opportunity for longevity and health.
Living organisms, in all spheres, survive only on some nutrition that is suitable for them. Evil does not exist and cannot survive on good. Happiness does not survive if it is served misery and unhappiness. Conversely, misery cannot survive if happiness is the only nourishment that is present.
Most negative emotions and attitudes are fixations that must be nourished. If one stops the nourishment that is feeding a negative attitude, it will eventually whither and become dormant. “Almost every ailment and emotional attitude is already within people at all times. The ailments and negative attitudes become active only if they are fed with the energy necessary for their resurgence.”
From throughout the cosmos, great energy streams constantly surround and feed the organisms on the earth. From invisible centers, the great founts of energy pour forth to nourish and sustain life. People’s mental, emotional and physical illness arises when they fall out of balance and are not in harmony with these great energy centers.
When people close themselves off from the life sustaining energy streams, obstruction begins and there is a blockage of these natural energy flows which then produces a dis-ease. Obstruction and disease move together. It is paramount for people to keep themselves open and attuned to the highest and best nutritional energy that is available to them.
When a person hides or tries to conceal their true attitude and emotions, this leads to a chain reaction within their body. A person knows when they are acting in a kind or unkind manner. A person is aware when they are suspicious of everything and a person is aware of whether they are being generous or selfish towards other people.
An obstruction of energy is created when a person experiences regret or remorse for how they handled a particular situation when another part of themselves believes there was a better manner in which they might have acted. When there is this type of divergence within the self, there is a weakening within the energy system of the body. The gravest danger for people is too experience debility or weakness. “When debility is present, an individual becomes open to:
A reduction to their resistance to infection.
A reduction to resisting negativity.
It becomes easier to complain
It becomes easier to find fault
It becomes easier to be discouraged.
It becomes easier to be bitter.
It becomes easier to be antagonistic.”
When people are confronted by any type of depletion, their basic optimism suffers and they feel a loss of security. With a sense of a loss of security then people begin to panic. All of the aforementioned emotions takes place when we separate ourselves from the highest and best energy fields that are available to us. The ancient Greeks referred to the highest and most life-sustaining energy fields as; The One, The Good and the Beautiful.
We can align ourselves and gain support from the highest energy flows that are present and available, through our actions of maintaining “A Beautiful Heart, and Open Mind and a Humble Spirit.” The Life Energy from the Great Energy Fields never separates from us, we deprive ourselves from beneficial energy because we shut down and obstruct the energetic field receptors within ourselves, and this blocks the highest life forces from being received and distributed throughout our body. These are some thoughts from ancient teachers.
To inspire and empower with love, in love and through love.