In 1990, our office in Stuttgart, Germany, was approached by government officials for an explanation of how this cylinder device (pictured in post) was capable of revitalizing completely dead and dying lakes. The inventor of the cylinder has placed them in lakes, which have been classified as dead for up to ten years, and has brought the lakes back to a healthy state, where they once again are teaming with life.
He has been able to reverse the growth of algae and remove pollutants without chemicals. Government scientists tested the device and confirmed that there weren’t any chemicals, radiation, electric currents, no magnetic fields and it was not pumping oxygen.
Although officials were told not to open the canisters, they did. Within the cylinder they found a one inch by two inch piece of wood. The rest of the cylinder was empty.
The inventor has worked with lakes in Switzerland, Italy, Czechoslovakia and Austria. In all the lakes the inventor worked under the auspices of government officials, who signed declarations as to his effectiveness and success. One of the lakes had been used as a training center by six different universities located around the world.
These universities had been using the site to document the plight of dead lakes. Starting with a pH of 2.5, and a condition where fish placed in the water died within four hours; within four weeks, the ‘friend of the lakes’ had the pH at 5.7 and the fish population was thriving.
The large lake in the pictures, Lake Joux, was cleaned up in 4 months. He also worked on the kleinen Arbersee as well as the Mondtigglersee. The lake of Bad Laer had algae overgrowth for more than twenty years. Many companies tried to haul out tons of algae to help bring the lake back to where people could swim. None of the attempts was successful. Using this technique, this lake was cleaned up within two months.
Our World Research Foundation staff, visited the inventor, who didn’t speak any English, and we asked him a couple of questions through a translator. I eventually asked, are you using technology based on Wilhelm Reich? Have you made an orgon accumulator device that is able to code frequencies upon wooden objects as well as other materials?
He answered yes to both. He then motioned for me to go with him into another room. He had built a unit that was capable of coding materials with any frequency. He had gone beyond the work of Reich. On the piece of wood within the canister is imprinted the frequency of oxygen. Canisters are placed half a kilometer apart within the body of water and a constant frequency of oxygen is broadcast throughout the water. The bigger the lake, the more canisters used. Remember it is only a frequency of oxygen.
It produces an inexhaustible oxygen activation that reduces the growth of algae to natural levels as well as decomposes most of the toxins present in polluted lakes.
I spoke with the Lord Major of one city whose lake he had worked on. In four weeks the lake had gone from 2.7 pH to 5.5 pH.
Those familiar with homeopathy know the effects of electro-magnetic vibrations that are present even when there is virtually no trace of the original substance. William Reich, an Austrian philosopher and doctor, discovered that the atmosphere is filled with oscillations which contain enormous energies. Reich claimed that this energy he found, which he called ‘Orgon’ was present in the earth’s atmosphere and constituted the background of all life processes. Perhaps it could be likened to chi and prana.
Reich found a way to collect and concentrate this life giving energy. An energy collector transmitted the energy into the so-called Orgon Box. Reich also worked with patients and treated them for various illnesses simply by en-training the body using orgon energy. Orthodox medicine and many scientists were skeptical and before Reich died in 1957 he had constant problems with the law.
I am sharing this because it is a practical example of someone’s use of a technique, that some people question whether it is real. I am also sharing this because just the frequency of a substance on a regular piece of wood or aluminum had vast power. In fact, the ‘friend of the lakes’ performed an experiment at the Wicker Institute in Germany.
He was asked to place a code upon a piece of wood placed one foot from a slide of blood containing parasites. Through a microscope, Wicker researchers and our World Research Foundation staff, watched parasites completely dissolve in ten seconds. Everyone who witnessed the experiment was completely shocked.
This post would be a novel in order to share about the life and philosophy of Wilhelm Reich. It is difficult, without having met him, to know what to believe about his life. So much has been written, both positive as well as highly skeptical and negative regarding Reich’s work. In some places his books are banned. We are fortunate to have twelve of his books. I am not promoting Reich and my post is not about promoting the ‘friend of the lakes.’
I am not promoting the purchase of orgon accumulators. The ‘friend of the lakes’ is using a device, that anyone might build, based on the concepts of Reich. My intent is sharing the capability of our interaction with energy for the betterment of life on this planet.
What can be generated by the machine can also be generated through our own Being. Through having an awareness of a concept that is present in this true story, unused portions of your Being can be activated, as is already being done by others. Once in the proper state of awareness, then all things are possible. A voice can shatter matter…a voice can affect flames. We have done spontaneous healing of inoperable brain cancer at a distance and all of us are aware of the effectiveness of spiritual healing. We ALL can do so much more!
I won’t be giving out any additional information regarding the ‘friend of the lakes,’ or addresses for orgon accumulators. Let’s think on this concept of energy and energy transmission and allow it to permeate our consciousness. What more is possible? Whatever we can conceive!
With love, in love and through love