Through our Will we possess the skill to prepare the garden of our soul so that the most useful and beautiful plants grow there.
As the gardener we are the master of all energy and this provides us the ability to create various plants, flowers and other items in the colors, scents, sizes and shapes that are an expression of who we are. Our garden contains our character, disposition and temperament. It is through our Will that we possess a magic wand that can regenerate all that our garden possesses.
We can overcome those bad habits, negative attitudes and false beliefs that spring up within our garden, exemplified as plants, flowers, shrubs, trees and bushes, through the exercise of our Will. The living things that are growing within our garden draw energies from outside ourselves that may or may not be useful to our life and well-being.
The ancients knew that one who cultivates the way of God in nature, increases their righteousness (right-use-ness), respects life around them and dedicates their skill to service in those in need, brings the highest and best energies to their garden.
One who becomes truly good and pure, having established in their own consciousness ways of wisdom, love and beauty, realizes an increasing flow of suitable and beneficial energies. Each constructive thought brings more life, vitality and energy to the garden of one’s Being.
We are all alchemists. Within our internal garden wonderful transmutations are continually taking place. The sympathetic forces that are operating in nature are drawn to those areas of affinity. Sympathy is a correlation between bodies. Like attracts like upon every level of existence. Sympathy continually pulls things together.
Virtue brings sympathy with all that is virtuous. Vice attracts vice. Sympathetic attractions exist:
Spiritually, philosophically, emotionally, psychologically and materially.
Attraction can be beneficial or dangerous. Wisdom is a uniting power, ignorance is a separating power.
“The individual who permits himself to become hateful, creates a sympathetic relationship between himself and all others who hate, in fact all things regarded as hateful. This is a kind of energy by which only hatefulness can be sustained. It is an etheric sea of hate.” This energy waters the plants that reside in one’s garden.
When we align ourselves with the storehouse of anger in the world we cut ourselves off from all contrary sympathetic resources. “A person enters a state of antipathy against peace, harmony, kindness and justice.”
The moment balance is lost, health is lost.
The person with great kindness, affection and regard for all life comes in sympathy with the total field of appropriate energies throughout Creation. The love of beauty, the expression of love and looking for the Good, the Beautiful and the True in all things, supports and enhances an individual bringing constructive energies that waters the living things within the garden. A healthy garden produces a healthy gardener.
With love, in love and through love.
May you all reach your highest and best.