It was stated in olden times that to capture a person, it is not sufficient to enslave their body, it is necessary to enlist their reason. “To free a person it is not enough to strike the shackles from his limbs – his mind must be liberated from bondage to his own ignorance.”
In the ancient school of Pythagoras in Greece, philosophy was regarded as indispensable to the life of a person. One who did not comprehend the dignity of the reasoning power could not properly be said to live.
The philosophy of right action, right feeling, and right thinking, based on love, was regarded sacred because it eventually reveals the purpose of living. It was thought that our reason for being was not just about living, but living well. The constant craving for material objects and for proving one’s political leanings are right, because we have attached a part of our own personal truth to one side or another, clouds are deeper spiritual faculties.
With the gift of life and the ability that some have been given on this planet to flower to the heights of their spiritual nature without being in constant physical harm, many have shut down all impulses of creative thought and fallen totally into the material illusion. Some people in war-torn areas seem less fortunate because every minute of their life is geared to physical survival. Yet even these people have opportunities within their life for greater awareness.
We are beings with ‘unlimited potential and an infinite capacity for self-improvement.’ Yet, many devote their time and energy to sustain transitory things that lead them from their memory and awareness, of being a spiritual being, into more brutish activities that does not fit anything that their religious Revelator has demonstrated.
An ancient teacher stated, “ignorant of the cause of life, ignorant of the purpose of life, ignorant of what lies beyond the mystery of death, yet possessing within themselves the answer to it all, people are willing to sacrifice the beautiful, the true and the good within and without upon the ever-changing illusions of the material world.
In our current time medicine and some scientific quarters are concerned almost solely with the classification of physical knowledge. As more and more information is released from many of our scientific institutions, the spiritual aspect of the world becomes lessened and we become more tightly bound to physical limitations.
“Religion too, has become materialistic: the beauty and dignity of faith is measured by huge piles of masonry, by tracts of real estate, by the number or parishioners and by the balance sheet.” Religious institutions are quick to back a political party while compromising the very principles that are behind their original founding.
A question to ask yourself, “What do the lofty concepts of the world’s illumined saviors and sages have in common with the stunted, distorted products of realism of our current time?” There is a coldness, heartlessness and commercialism that has crept into our souls at this time. Can we really say that people at this time in our civilization are happy and acting in the highest and best spiritual manner?
There is a greater part of us within that is becoming shut down and covered to the point that its light is almost imperceptible. You might attempt to rationalize an action that you do that is not of the highest and best, but that spiritual side, that grandeur aspect within yourself suffers.
Dominating materialistic thoughts of life lead to unhappiness, illness and a jaded viewpoint for our reason for existence. The power that we have to think true and act true is the savior at this time. An ancient teacher stated, “Right action, right feeling, and right thinking are prerequisites of right knowing.”
Another philosopher of the past stated, “Philosophy reveals to people their kinship with the All. It shows them that we are brothers to the suns which dot the firmaments; it lifts us from an inhabitant on a whirling atom to a citizen of the Cosmos.”
Philosophy teaches us that although we are physically bound to earth, with our blood and bones as a part, there is ‘a spiritual power, a diviner Self, through which he is one with the symphony of the Whole.’ “Philosophy can teach the wonders of the blades of grass; each stick and stone is endowed with speech and tells the secret of its being. All life, bathed in the radiance of understanding, becomes a wonderful and beautiful reality.”
Although many make a point of stating they are religious; are able to quote religious books by chapters and verse and attend particular churches on Sunday, their actions the other six days of the week bespeak of something quite different taking place within their consciousness.
Although materiality seems to have closed tightly around us, our soul has not been deprived of its wings. A true philosophy of love can still allow the soul to spread its wings and bring us closer to the very source that created us.
I have used the word philosophy and I know there are many descriptions and definitions as well as many philosophies that people might attach with my use of this term. Let’s say that it is any philosophy where Love is being demonstrated and not just talked about. Love for all of God’s creatures and creations. Love for those less fortunate, love for those of different colors, nationalities, the opposite sex, and individuals of different religious and political beliefs. Loving all animals, plants, insects and Nature and having a reverence for their existence.
Virtue, right action, right feeling, and right thinking, love and idealism can raise each one of us which in turn raises all of humanity.
With love, in love and through love.