“As I walk, I walk with beauty.”
The Platonic Triad of the past was used to remind individuals that there is more to life than just the collection of ‘things.’
The One referred to the substance of all natures and being is the essence of the Creator. The Beautiful referred to the perfection of all natures and being, their rising to their highest and best. The Good referred to the proper utility of all natures and being.
Plotinus declared that the most worthy profession is the service of the beautiful and the destruction of beauty was the most heinous of all crimes.
The ancient Greeks emphasized the necessity of aesthetics and established reference to the beautiful as one of the pillars of the State.
“In addition to the beauty of form, we have beauty of sound, which is harmony; beauty of mode or tempo which is rhythm; beauty of morality which is virtue; beauty of mind, which is intellect; and beauty of spirit, which is the ultimate good.”
We say people must eat in order to have the physical live. Not only do we need physical food, but there is a spiritual nature within us which must be fed with a superior diet for its highest and best development.
Sitting in a building one day a week and repeating words that have lost their energy might just be akin to taking in GMO foods. It is not about talking, it is about living and acting the philosophy behind the words of the great spiritual teachers of the past.
The soul is fed through your eyes and other senses. The soul is fed through your thoughts. Incongruity regarding what you know is right and how you are acting causes the soul within to suffer. Those things that are grotesque and distorted are a poison to the soul.
He who surrounds himself with beauty nourishes his aesthetic nature and will reach his highest spiritual potential. Beauty is essential to human survival and without its influence, people steadily deteriorate ‘into a state of crassness and degradation.’
Whoever reads the lives of the ancient giants of philosophy will be convinced that they studied things more than words, they looked to participate in a wisdom that included the understanding that a higher essence was contained in our physical vehicle.
The fears, hates and worries of people show that they have an unreleased and bottled up emotional energy. When people involve themselves in aesthetics they give a healthier channel to the impulses of their nature. When one is truly dedicated to the beautiful they will not fail to develop an inward grace.
“Nearly all human beings are in some way emotionally inhibited. Those inhibitions often break out in actions and thoughts that are not their highest and best. These periodic outburst usually are attended by unfortunate consequences.”
It was the profound writings of Ficino, during the Renaissance, that stated the fact that beauty generates love. The Divine Beauty created by God and placed within nature and all creatures allows them to recognize the Beauty without. When you allow yourself to recognize the Beauty without, you stimulate and generate the aspects of love because beauty looks to reunite with beauty.
The ancient writers said, “Love arises, then, from beauty holding to itself and yet going out from itself and finally returning to itself. So the generating aspect of love, seeks its final rest in its source, beauty. Beauty holds to itself because it is the splendor of the Divine Goodness, and Goodness cannot ever become other than itself.”
Although 2300 years have passed since Plato’s Symposium on Love, it still stands as a high point of philosophical value. The love of a single form of beauty is then deepened into an impersonal love of all beautiful forms. The soul aspires to an appreciation of beautiful laws, institutions and sciences.
“Although specific objects of beauty are still of value, the soul cognizes clearly that they are but relative instances of true beauty. This expansion of consciousness makes one aware that the IDEA OF BEAUTY inherent in the soul is more to be desired than any of its outward expressions.”
“Taking its meaning into itself the soul knows beauty as a universal IDEA and henceforth people are capable of pondering the beauty of reality itself, and ‘Beholding beauty with the eye of mind’ they will be able to bring forth, not images of beauty, but realities.”
If you believe in beauty then clap you hand as you read this now. Let this be a reminder that there is something of a higher essence that rides within our physical vehicle. This something will not carry the babbles of this earth plane on its continuing journey.
Navajo Walk in Beauty…
As I walk with beauty
As I walk as I walk
The universe is walking with me
In beauty it walks before me
In beauty it walks behind me
In beauty it walks below me
In beauty it walks above me
Beauty is on every side
As I walk I walk with beauty.
To inspire and empower with love, in love and through love and of course with beauty.